The National Office of Animal Health's Brexit Barometer report has revealed that the animal medicines industry believes the UK can be a global leader on animal health and welfare after Brexit.

The Brexit Barometer report draws on insights from 16 animal medicines companies and other stakeholders. 95% of those who contributed to the report, drawn up after NOAH’s Brexit event in May, said that they are optimistic about the future of animal health and welfare in the UK.

On the broader future of the industry, contributors to the report were more uncertain: 40% 'in the middle', 30% 'optimistic' and 25% 'pessimistic'. In contrast to animal welfare, contributors were most pessimistic about the future of trade and exports in relation to animal health.

While optimism about animal welfare remains high, NOAH says the animal medicines industry needs a continuation of its high standards of health and welfare to help tackle antibiotic resistance and to put the UK in a strong influencing position with our ability to trade. Six key measures in relation to health and welfare that Government needs to take to realise the opportunities were outlined in the report. They are:

• Maintaining the current Animal Welfare Acts and evolving them to secure the UK’s position from ‘Day 0’
• Ensuring the industry is not disadvantaged by lack of veterinary medicines availability during the transition period and beyond, as new products come on the market
• Ensuring that veterinary services are available in inner city and rural areas throughout the UK
• Ensuring that a cross-border programme is in place to maintain cooperation between the UK and Europe
• Recognising that animal diseases do not respect borders and to co-operate with our European neighbours to ensure that appropriate measures are in place to prevent and control disease outbreaks
• Balancing first-class welfare standards with creating a level playing field for UK farmers and ensuring that British product does not become uncompetitive.

NOAH Chief Executive, Dawn Howard said: "While the Barometer showed that a large proportion of the industry was undecided when it comes to overall future of our sector, it tells us loudly and clearly that the sector sees a very clear opportunity for the UK to show leadership when it comes to animal health and welfare. What is vital now is that Government collaborates closely with industry and heeds its advice to realise this opportunity and leverage these high levels of optimism. We must not forget that veterinary medicines support the health and welfare of the UK’s livestock and pets and we stand ready to work with industry and Government to help make this happen."

BVA President Gudrun Ravetz said: "We have a unique selling point as 'UK PLC' around our high standards of animal welfare and food safety and these must be maintained in the wake of Brexit. This means tackling issues including veterinary involvement from farm to fork to underpin animal health, welfare and public health, through to guaranteeing working rights for vets and veterinary nurses. It is therefore vital that animal welfare is included in all trade negotiations."

The report can be read in full here: 

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