Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists in Winchester has confirmed three new cases of the potentially fatal cutaneous and renal glomerular vasculopathy (CRGV), aka Alabama Rot. 

The disease, which originally appeared in the late 1980s, was first detected in the UK in 2012. It affects the kidneys and has a 90% mortality rate.  

The team at Anderson Moores, which has been leading research into this disease, wants to alert colleagues to these new cases, which have been confirmed since 1st January.

By comparison 18 cases were reported in the whole of 2018, 19 in 2019, and 47 in 2020.

The new cases have been identified in Herefordshire, Greater London and Exeter. 

David Walker, American, RCVS and EBVS European specialist in small animal internal medicine, leads the team at Anderson Moores Vet Specialists and is the UK’s foremost authority on the disease. He said: “We’re very sad to confirm three new cases of CRGV already in 2021. Unfortunately, we find ourselves at the time of year when cases are most commonly identified.

"As well as these confirmed cases, we are awaiting results on a number of other dogs that have sadly been euthanised with suspected CRGV. It is understandably a worrying time of year for dog owners with regards to CRGV; however, the disease remains rare. 

"We’re advising dog owners across the country to remain calm but vigilant and seek advice from their local vets if their dog develops unexplained skin lesions.” 

Previous cases have been identified in Gloucestershire, Surrey, Derbyshire, Yorkshire, Lancashire, Cornwall, Devon and Staffordshire. 

Mr Walker added: “If a dog becomes affected by CRGV, the best chance of recovery probably lies with early and intensive veterinary care which may be best provided at a specialist facility such as Anderson Moores. 

“Treatment primarily revolves around intensive management of the acute kidney injury and is sadly only successful in around 10% of cases. 

“However, the team here at Anderson Moores successfully treated a suspected case of CRGV in a Labrador Retriever. Molly was referred to our internal medicine team just before Christmas due to limb swelling and a deep, painful ulcerative lesion on one of her legs. 

“Following four days’ intensive treatment, her condition started to improve and we began to cautiously hope she would survive the disease. 

“Molly continued to slowly improve and, after two nerve-wracking weeks, she was discharged to continue her recovery at home."

To find out more about CRGV, visit and the Alabama Rot Research Fund at

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