The British Veterinary Association is asking members to put themselves forward as candidates in the upcoming elections for BVA Council.

In eight of the 12 regions BVA is seeking regional representatives who are willing to gather and represent the views of their peers as part of the BVA's policy-making process.

Nominations opened on 4 November in Northern Ireland, Wales, North-East, North-West, Yorkshire & Humber, East Midlands, West Midlands, and London and will run for six weeks (until Friday 13 December).

The remaining four regions (Scotland, South-East, South-West, and East of England) will be up for election in 2015 to allow for a level of continuity on BVA Council. 

BVA President Robin Hargreaves said: "BVA Council is the overarching policy-making body at BVA and its success depends in large part on the fantastic work of our regional representatives who ensure that every member of our association has the ability to feed in their views and ideas.

"We're looking for people who enjoy getting involved in current issues and who will work hard to put forward the views of their colleagues and to disseminate information out to the wider membership."

Application packs, including an information sheet, role description, and application form, are available to download from the BVA website

Candidates in each of the eight regions will be announced shortly after the closing date. The election process will be run by the Electoral Reform Services on behalf of BVA and all members within a region will be eligible to vote. The election will run from Monday 13 January until Friday 21 February. Winning candidates will take up their role at the April Council meeting.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.