The British Veterinary Association has appointed David Calpin as its new Chief Executive.The British Veterinary Association has appointed David Calpin as its new Chief Executive.
David joins the BVA from Defra, where he was a Deputy Director and has held a number of senior management roles. David's policy responsibilities have included climate change, GM crops, sustainable land management, and, most recently, bovine TB. For a period last year David was Acting Director for Animal Health and Welfare in Defra.

David has been in the senior civil service since 2005, and has substantial experience of both staff and financial management. He spent two years working in Brussels representing the UK Government in EU negotiations, and has lived and worked in France, South Africa and Brazil. Prior to joining the civil service, David worked for Barclays Bank.

BVA Chairman Derek Williams said: "David's appointment comes at a very exciting time for the BVA as we respond to the challenges set out by our members in our membership research 'Your BVA, Your Say'. David has a proven track record as a senior manager, extensive experience of managing stakeholder relationships, and an excellent understanding of the political climate in the UK and Europe; all of which will ensure BVA continues to thrive and to represent members effectively."

David Calpin said: "I'm delighted to be joining the BVA. I've worked closely with the BVA in my previous roles and have been hugely impressed. I also know that no organisation can afford to stand still, and that the BVA needs to keep pace with changes in the veterinary profession.

"I'm really looking forward to the challenge of leading the BVA through a period of change to become an even more effective voice for the profession and providing services that members value. I have a lot to learn and I'm keen to get out and about to meet as many people as possible and to hear first-hand what the profession wants from the BVA."

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