Rachel Wells, an RVN and Pet Health Counsellor (PHC) from Pype Hayes Veterinary Centre in Birmingham, has won Royal Canin's annual 'Pet Health Counsellor of the Year' Awards 2013.  Rachel Wells, an RVN and Pet Health Counsellor (PHC) from Pype Hayes Veterinary Centre in Birmingham, has won Royal Canin's annual 'Pet Health Counsellor of the Year' Awards 2013.

The ceremony, which took place earlier this month at the Forest of Arden Marriot Hotel in Birmingham, saw Rachel beat 25 other finalists to claim the Gold Award. Royal Canin presented Rachel with £1,500 worth of high-street vouchers at the annual ceremony, which celebrates veterinary professionals for promoting preventative health care and running pet health clinics in practice.

The Erdington-based PHC, was chosen by animal behaviour expert Sarah Heath for her work in weekly puppy parties, general 'nutrition mission' clinics and firework and weight clinics. She was also recognised for her one-off work in running an 'Embarrassing Pet Bodies' workshop in the summer, similar to the 'Embarrassing Bodies' Channel 4 TV documentary.

Royal Canin's Veterinary Sales and Marketing Director, Andrew Doyle, said: "It's a privilege to be able to present Rachel with the award. She has demonstrated an outstanding contribution to Pype Hayes Veterinary Centre, by running a variety of specialist sessions for owners which have proven very popular and beneficial. The Royal Canin Pet Health Counsellor scheme was set up to encourage Veterinary Nurses to advance their professional development, so it was great to see such a high level of entries this year detailing the PHCs who have set up effective clinics and services in their practice."

Rachel said: "It is an honour to receive Royal Canin's Pet Health Counsellor of the Year award. It's a fantastic opportunity and the scheme they run has given me the chance and confidence to develop specialist clinics at Pype Hayes Veterinary Centre. We have set up many sessions including weight and nutrition clinics to give our clients the specific advice and training for their pets' needs."

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