Bimeda has announced the launch of Butagran Equi (phenylbutazone), to join its range of of analgesic and anti-inflammatories. Bimeda has announced the launch of Butagran Equi (phenylbutazone), to join its range of analgesics and anti-inflammatories.

Bimeda says that Butagran Equi provides rapid onset of activity with the added convenience for horse owners or professionals of being presented as an easy-to-administer sweetened powder.

Indications include musculo-skeletal conditions that require relief from pain and a reduction in the associated inflammation, including lameness associated with osteoarthritic conditions, bursitis, laminitis and soft tissue inflammation.

Head of Bimeda technical services Padraig Hyland MVB said: "Butagran Equi is particularly suited where continued mobility is considered desirable. It is also of value in limiting post-surgical inflammation, myositis and other soft tissue inflammation and can be used as an anti-pyretic where this is considered advisable, such as in viral respiratory infections. And being a sweetened powder it's quite straightforward for horse owners to administer and dose as prescribed."

He added: "Butagran Equi follows the launch of a number of new products and is proof our desire to provide a comprehensive and relevant equine portfolio backed up with first class technical support."

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