Merial, the manufacturer of FRONTLINE Combo, FRONTLINE Spot On and Merilym3 has announced that Bill Oddie will front its autumn 'Be Tick Aware' PR campaign to highlight the importance of protecting pets from ticks. Merial, the manufacturer of FRONTLINE Combo, FRONTLINE Spot On and Merilym3 has announced that Bill Oddie will front its autumn 'Be Tick Aware' PR campaign to highlight the importance of protecting pets from ticks.

The campaign will run throughout September and into October to drive awareness via print, broadcast and digital media.

Merial says the campaign has been designed to raise awareness of ticks and tick-borne diseases amongst vets, pharmacists and SQPs and in turn to educate pet owners on the importance of regularly treating their pets for ticks.

The company is also continuing its partnership with BADA-UK, the tick-borne disease charity whose own demonstration dog, Shaun, recently suffered with Borreliosis (Lyme disease).

BADA-UK founder and Chair, Wendy Fox, said: "The infection highlights the very real risk of contracting tick borne diseases, even for the most well-cared for dogs and tick-aware owners. We find a lot of owners genuinely believe their dogs cannot get ticks because they keep their animals clean and well groomed. This sort of misconception is notable even at canine events where you might expect to encounter the best informed dog owners, but the sad fact is many people still do not take the risk of tick-borne diseases seriously enough."

Roddy Webster Head of Pets UK from Merial said: "It is a pleasure to work with Bill Oddie, a fellow animal lover and expert, to highlight the risk of ticks this autumn. Ticks and tick-borne diseases are an increasing threat, and the risk in the UK is rising. Ticks are considered to be second only to mosquitoes as vectors of infectious diseases around the world. Disease-transmitting ticks can be found anywhere - gardens, forests, parks and even beaches. This campaign is designed to encourage vets, pharmacists and SQPs to educate their clients and customers about ticks, the dangers of tick-borne disease and the importance of regular tick prevention. We're extremely excited about this campaign and we're looking forward to seeing the positive effects."

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.