The Daily Mail yesterday published a 'shocking exposé' which portrays the veterinary profession as one that 'puts pets through painful and unnecessary treatments to fleece their trusting owners'.

The story is based on an interview with ex-vet Matthew Watkinson to promote his new book: 'On The Destiny Of Species'.

In the interview, Mr Watkinson claims the veterinary profession is to blame for much of the animal suffering in the UK, and that 'money - not the welfare of the animal - is often at the forefront of the vet's mind'. 

In the interview, Mr Watkinson

  • accuses vets of performing expensive and totally unnecessary procedures
  • describes how vets Google pet owners' home addresses to see how much treatment they might be able to afford
  • accuses vets of being complicit in the breeding of dogs with congenital problems, such as bulldogs and daschunds

The RCVS issued a swift response, which you can read here.

Later in the day, Mr Watkinson appeared on Radio 5 Live opposite ex BVA President, Nicky Paull. The interview can be heard for the next 6 days on BBC iplayer here.

It is not yet clear the degree to which the Daily Mail might have sensationalised Mr Watkinson's interview.  In his blog, he claims it did, but defiantly defends his main argument that the profession is fighting natural selection, and thereby harming animal welfare.

Seems to me that some aspects of Mr Watkinson's argument are perhaps worthy of debate, but they've been obscured by the glare of the critical headline, and the Daily Mail's predictable preoccupation with the sensational but unrepresentative. So I'm delighted to see that whilst writing this story, Mr Watkinson has joined us in the VetSurgeon forums to put forward his case.

Brave man.

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