Animalcare has unveiled its new logo, introduced to mark the latest stage in the company's development which has seen it move into larger offices and upscale its warehouse facilties to better serve the profession.Animalcare has unveiled its new logo, introduced to mark the latest stage in the company's development which has seen it move into larger offices and upscale its warehouse facilties to better serve the profession.

The new logo consists of three flags, each representing one of the three core pillars of Animalcare; veterinary pharmaceuticals, companion animal electronic identification and animal welfare. The three flags combine to make a stylized 'A' and the motif as a whole with the word 'Animalcare' combines to make the new logo.

Mindful of the environment, Animalcare says there will be a phased roll-out of the new logo across the customer facing elements of Animalcare. This will begin with the new price list and will extend across the range of packaging, starting with Vitofyllin, and the marketing literature. 

To request your new price list either as a PDF or printed copy, e-mail: or speak to your local representative.

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