Bayer Animal Health, makers of Profender, has launched a campaign to reignite the age-long debate, 'Cats vs Dogs', to highlight the importance of protecting cats against intestinal worms.

Aiming to spark discussion between pet owners and vets, the campaign emphasises key differences between cats and dogs, including the challenges they present when it comes to worming control, such as cats' independent nature.

Previous research by Bayer Animal Health found that 42% of cat owners worry their pet does not swallow worming tablets, 38% are concerned that it will spit it out and 21 per cent say their cat runs away. This leaves potentially more than 750,000 cats unprotected from the parasite. 

Launching in September, the campaign microsite, invites the public to vote for who they think rules, while uniting and educating owners over their common foe: intestinal worms. Voting closes at the end of November, with a tribute video to the winning species as voted for by the nation.

Alongside the microsite, a nationwide survey of pet owners is being conducted in partnership with Your Cat and Your Dog magazine to uncover pet owner perceptions of cats vs dogs, including parasite protection attitudes.

Campaign materials will also be supplied to veterinary practices, including an educational poster about worming control and applying spot-ons. For further information and campaign materials please get in touch with your local Bayer Animal Health Territory Manager.

For further information about Profender, or parasite control in companion animals, visit:

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