Cats Protection and Dogs Trust have launched an awards scheme inviting veterinary students to submit a series of three feline or canine case studies.

The Clinical Cases Study Awards 2010 encourage students to highlight the differential diagnoses and treatment regimes in a 1,500 word report. 

The selected cases should be related, and animals can be from the UK or overseas. Reports should include a brief introduction, common presenting signs, possible causes of the animal's condition or illness and a diagnosis, prognosis and treatment plan for each animal, with photographs included as appropriate.

There will be separate prizes for the best feline report and the best canine report. Each winner will receive £500 and the chance to have their report summary published in a Cats Protection or Dogs Trust magazine, whilst runners-up in each category will receive £250.

Guidance notes to help students draft their report are available from either charity. Reports should be sent with a covering letter and a CV to  to arrive no later than 1 March 2010. 

Shortlisted candidates will be invited to a judging day on 6 April at Dogs Trust's Rehoming Centre in Kenilworth. Selected finalists will have the opportunity to attend the BSAVA Congress in Birmingham, where the winners will be announced at an awards ceremony on 9 April.  

Maggie Roberts, Cats Protection's Director of Veterinary Services said: "As a charity that helps over 193,000 unwanted cats each year, Cats Protection works closely with the veterinary profession and recognises how important today's veterinary students are to the future of feline welfare. Cats are intriguing creatures and their diseases can be complex.  It will be interesting to see the range of cases the students present."

Chris Laurence, Veterinary Director at Dogs Trust added: "This is the first time we have invited veterinary students to submit case studies for the awards and I hope that universities will support the scheme by encouraging their students to enter. We see the awards as an introduction point for students to engage with two of the leading welfare charities - something that will be a beneficial experience and potentially assist them with their future careers."

Further information can be obtained from either Gemma Lovegrove at Cats Protection on 01825 741991 or email or from Chris Laurence at Dogs Trust on 02078 337 662 or email

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.