The WikiQuiz project - a free online question and answer tool which enables vets, vet students and vet nurses to test their knowledge - is now online thanks to £4,770 of funding from the RCVS Trust.

WikiQuiz is a new resource to enable vets and students to structure and direct their learning, and links directly to information on WikiVet, the free research and academic collaboration resource put together by over 40 academics, veterinary surgeons and students from the Universities of Cambridge, Edinburgh and Nottingham, and the Royal Veterinary College (RVC).  However, unlike its namesake Wikipedia, WikiVet is designed to be an accurate, peer-reviewed source of information for the veterinary profession and tailored to the undergraduate veterinary curriculum. Some of the material is also of interest to veterinary nurses, in particular those pursuing advanced professional qualifications.

Nick Short, Head of E-Media at the RVC said: "WikiQuiz is purpose-built for vets and students to structure and direct their learning. The questions and answers in WikiQuiz will help vets and veterinary students and work out what topics they might need to study, and link them directly to relevant information published on WikiVet.

"The Wikipedia concept is familiar and popular with students and vets; however, the information on the site can lack quality and relevance", he continued.  "In creating WikiVet, we've used the look and feel of Wikipedia - but by making WikiVet available only to veterinary students, surgeons and nurses, introducing a peer-review system and appointing an editorial board to oversee the site, we can ensure the information published is relevant and accurate.

"We are hugely grateful to the RCVS Trust for supporting this project."

Cherry Bushell, RCVS Trust Director said:  "Veterinary undergraduates and veterinary surgeons alike need to be able to assess where there are any gaps in their knowledge as part of planning their learning and development.  The WikiQuiz resource helps them to do this.

"Using good quality online tools and information can save vets and students valuable time - which is one reason why we chose to support WikiQuiz.  The WikiVet project also fits very well with the online Library services provided to vets, veterinary nurses and students by the Trust."

Veterinary surgeons, students and nurses can apply for a free log-in to WikiVet at

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.