Vets Now publishes emergency guidelines for owners

Vets Now has produced a new set of guidelines for pet owners about how to deal with the top 10 emergency situations seen by the out-of-hours care provider. Vets Now has produced a new set of guidelines for pet owners about how to deal with the top 10 emergency situations seen by the out-of-hours care provider. 

The guidelines are presented as an infographic - which is free to download from the Vets Now website - which provides some basic steps to help owners deal with the more common emergency situations before being able to get their sick or injured pet to the vet.

Vets Now says it is hoping it will be deemed useful by other vets who are welcome to share the infographic on their social media sites and their websites, or display it in their waiting rooms.

Lisa Maxwell, Head of Client Care said: "Pet owners should always call a vet in an emergency and we promote that in the infographic. As emergency and critical care providers, we're used to dealing with owners who are scared, or in shock when they call us. What we hoped to achieve by creating the infographic, was to reassure pet owners that these situations happen all the time and to give them more sense of control of the situation. If more pet owners were aware of some of the basic actions they could perform at the scene, at the very least it could help owners cope more readily and keep their animals calm and, at best, it could save lives."

Lisa added: "These days, the fastest way to spread an important message seems to be through social media, so we've specifically designed this infographic to be shared on Facebook, Twitter, G+ etc, as well as practice websites.

"Our intention was to create a useful resource for practices across the UK - not just Vets Now clinics. If we all get behind this and make our clients aware, maybe we'll be going that extra mile by educating our clients and helping to save even more lives."

The infographic can be downloaded at

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