A survey carried out by Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health to launch Plerion, a chewable, flavoured wormer for dogs, has shown that most UK dog owners turn to their vet rather than a pet shop for advice on worming.

Over 83% of owners who took part in the survey said they follow their vet's advice on worming whilst fewer than 8% would follow the advice of their local pet shop. 63% choose to buy wormers from their vet against 35% buying wormers from a pet shop or online pharmacy.

Survey participants understood the importance of carrying out a regular worming programme with almost 80% stating that a dog should be wormed every three to four months. However, some owners cited forgetfulness as a reason for not worming their pet regularly and expressed a need for a reminder from their local vet practice.

Almost 85% of those who took part in the survey believed that not all wormers provide the same level of protection and almost 75% said that vet recommendation is the reason they purchase a specific brand of wormer. 94% of owners are aware that worms can affect people as well as dogs.

The survey revealed that 1 in 5 owners experienced difficulty in administering a complete dose due to their dog spitting out part or the entire tablet.

Intervet/Schering Plough says that Plerion should help reduce compliance issues; its innovative and tasty soft chew formulation meaning that most dogs will take it right out of the hand.

Sarah-Jane Minter, marketing manager at Intervet/Schering-Plough said: "When developing Plerion we knew it was essential to launch a product that made life easier for dog owners by being easy, and even fun, to administer as this would increase the likelihood of owners sticking to a regular worming programme. We are delighted by the feedback we are receiving from owners who report their once fussy dogs are taking the flavoured, chewable Plerion tablets as though they were treats."

Plerion is available in two tablet sizes that provide a combination of Pyrantel, Praziquantel and Oxantel which, the company says, gives effective treatment for the major endoparasites in a single dose including tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis, as required by the Pets Travel Scheme (PETS).

For further information, please contact your local Intervet/Schering-Plough Veterinary Business Manager or phone the company's Veterinary Support Group on 01908 685685.

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