The University of Liverpool has developed a new diagnostic tool to help practitioners with their treatment programmes for osteoarthritis in dogs.The University of Liverpool has developed a new diagnostic tool to help practitioners with their treatment programmes for osteoarthritis in dogs. member Dr Ben Walton, from the University's School of Veterinary Science, said: "In first opinion and referral practices canine mobility is assessed in a subjective fashion, either by a vet or owner.  Assessment can differ between vets, and if more than one limb is affected it becomes even more difficult.

"Pain and mobility associated with this condition depends on recent activity levels, medication and even weather conditions, which mean that a dog can have good and bad periods and any physical assessment will only provide a snapshot of the disease.

"The most reliable data on this disease is often gathered from informally asking owners for their observations of their pet's behaviour.  The difficulty until now has been knowing how to reliably record this valuable information so that it can recalled the next time the patient visits."

The new tool, which takes the form of a questionnaire, attaches score rates to quantify the level of disease against key questions addressed to the dog's owner. Owners are asked to grade their dog's activity and exercise levels, stiffness and lameness, and any changes that occur in different weather conditions. The information is recorded digitally so that it can be referred to throughout a patient's treatment programme.

Ben said: "This record of behaviour history, together with clinical assessment, could provide a more detailed understanding of how the disease is progressing, and importantly how healthy and comfortable the dog is." 

Research which validates the new tool has been published on PLOS ONE here.


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