A survey carried out by Fish4Dogs has found that a 'staggering' 43% of dog owners do not brush their dog's teeth.

As part of the research, 800 people from across the UK were quizzed about their attitude to their pet's dental care in the lead up to the British Dental Health Foundation's 'National Smile Month' (May 20th-June 20th).

The survey also found that:

  • 30% of owners had spent more on their pet's teeth than their own.
  • 86% of owners felt that dental care should be part of standard pet insurance.

Graham Smith, Chief Executive of Fish4Dogs said: "This research is definitely an interesting read about people's attitudes and behaviours towards dental care for their dogs. National Smile Month campaigns for healthy and happy teeth and there is no reason this shouldn't apply to our pets too. At Fish4Dogs we have never doubted how important dogs are to their owners, but it is clear that with wider awareness we could encourage teeth brushing to become more regular and an introduction of dry food into dogs' diets and all see improved results."

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