Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica has launched Pexion (imepitoin) a novel treatment for canine idiopathic epilepsy.Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica has launched Pexion (imepitoin) a novel treatment for canine idiopathic epilepsy.

Canine epilepsy can affect up to 5% of dogs6. In most dogs diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy no underlying cause for the seizures can be found. While the condition can affect any dog, it is more common in young (one to five year old), purebred dogs such as Labradors, Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, Boxers, Vizlas, Beagles, English Springer Spaniels, Irish Setters, Poodles and Dachshunds.

Boehringer says Pexion has a highly targeted mode of action1-3 to suppress a dog's seizures. It starts to work within a few hours and reaches steady state within three days4,5. Boehringer claims this will make it easier to stabilise epileptic patients. It also says there is no evidence of hepatotoxicity or liver-associated enzyme elevation, so repeated blood tests for liver enzymes or therapeutic levels are no longer required.4,5

Pexion is available in 100 mg and 400 mg tablets. The tablets are white, scored and divisible in half. Both tablet strengths are available in 100 tablet packs from veterinary wholesalers.

Jemima Mead, brand manager at Boehringer said: "Pexion is a ground-breaking new product which gives vets a new first-line treatment option for dogs with idiopathic epilepsy, improving the lives of newly diagnosed epileptic dogs and their owners by reducing the number of seizures and their impact on the patient's life".

To support the launch of the new product, Boehringer hosted an epilepsy webinar presented by neurologist Dr Holger Volk DVM PhD DipECVN FHEA MRCVS, recognised RCVS and European Specialist in Veterinary Neurology. The webinar is now available on demand at

For further information on Pexion visit, contact your local Boehringer Ingelheim territory manager or telephone +44 (0)1344 746959.


  1. Löscher W et al. Epilepsia 2004; 45: 1228-1239
  2. Rieck S et al. Vet J 2006; 172: 86-95
  3. Rostock A et al. Drugs Fut. 1998; 23: 253-255
  4. Pexion® Summary of Product Characteristics, 2013
  5. European Public Assessment Report (EPAR): PEXION (imepitoin). London: European Medicines Agency; 2013 Available at
  6. Monteiro R. et al.  J Small Anim Pract 2012; 53: 526-530

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