VetCell Bioscience has become the first UK-based stem cell centre to be authorised under the Veterinary Medicines Regulations.

Following a rigorous series of inspections and reports by Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Inspectors VetCell, in conjunction with their UK laboratory partner Biobest, were officially authorised as an equine stem cell centre on 1 October 2009.

David Mountford, Chief Operating Officer of VetCell Bioscience said: "To have received formal authorisation so swiftly reflects the high standard of our operation and our ability to lead the field in the increasingly competitive sector of stem cell technology."

Stem cell therapy involves implanting millions of the animal's own stem cells and autologous growth factors directly into the injured tendon or ligament. The service VetCell Bioscience offers is the collection, storage, processing and supply of stem cells suitable for administration back into the donor animal.

According to the company, there is considerable interest from the human sector and studies in human medicine, for the treatment of Achilles tendinopathies, could begin as early as next year.

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