Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health, makers of Caninsulin, is launching Pet Diabetes Month, a call to arms for owners to check if their pets might be at risk of diabetes. To enable the testing, urine glucose test strips will be made available free of charge to vet practices to dispense during Pet Diabetes Month (1 - 30 November 2009).

ISPAH says that despite general awareness of the signs of diabetes in humans, many pet owners still have little understanding of the condition in their animals. The urine-sampling aspect of the campaign, entitled the Great Pet 'Pee' Test, intends to address this by making test strips freely available. It is hoped that many of the undiagnosed diabetics in the UK's pet population will be identified during the campaign and appropriate treatment plans undertaken.

Practices wishing to participate in Pet Diabetes Month and the Great Pet 'Pee' Test will benefit from practice leaflets containing the test strips, waiting room posters, the website and the opportunity to be included in a regional PR campaign.

Shoumik Das BVM&S MRCVS, Marketing Manager for Caninsulin, said; "The tremendous success of National Vaccination Month clearly demonstrates that pet owners are keen to take an active interest in the care of their pet, but often don't know where to start. By providing the test strips free to practices to distribute to pet owners we are once again giving them the tools to take control of their pets' health. If we can identify even a few of the missing thousands of pets potentially at risk from diabetes, that has to be good news for the pets and also vet practices."

Interested practices should contact their local Intervet/Schering-Plough Territory Manager or phone the company's Veterinary Support Group on 01908 685685.

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