The RCVS Council and Veterinary Nurses Council elections are now underway for 2013, and ballot papers and candidates details have been posted to all veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses eligible to vote.

Gordon Hockey, RCVS Registrar, said: "At a time when the College is experiencing a period of significant change, it's more important than ever that the Councils have the right personnel to help steer us along the path to becoming a first-rate regulator. The annual Councils elections represent a key opportunity for veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses to ensure this happens."

This year, 13 candidates, five of whom are current Council members, will contest the six available seats on RCVS Council, and four candidates are contesting the two available places on VN Council, including one existing member. The candidates are as follows:

RCVS Council

  • Niall Connell
  • Jerry Davies*
  • Bertie Ellis
  • Lewis Grant
  • Chris Gray*
  • Peter Jinman*
  • Tom Lonsdale
  • Peter Robinson
  • Kit Sturgess
  • Paul Torgerson
  • Chris Tufnell*
  • Bradley Viner*
  • Tom Witte

VN Council

  • Sue Badger
  • Andrea Jeffery*
  • Amy Robinson
  • Helen Tottey


*denotes existing Council member

For the first time this year, the College is organising an online hustings for RCVS Council candidates to allow veterinary surgeon voters to put their questions to them directly. This will be run as a free, live webinar by 'The Webinar Vet' and will take place on Tuesday, 19 March at 7pm. Questions need to have been submitted in advance as there are too many candidates to hold a debate, but veterinary surgeons can still register to listen to the hustings at The hustings will also be recorded and available to listen again via the same web address until the voting deadline.

Votes in both elections may be cast online, by text message or by post, and must be received by 5pm on Friday, 26 April 2013. Details of how to vote are printed on the ballot papers and candidate information is also available on the RCVS website at and

Anyone in need of a replacement ballot paper for RCVS Council should contact Ian Holloway ( / 020 7202 0727), or for VN Council, contact Annette Amato ( / 020 7202 0713).

To ensure independence, the elections are being administered by Electoral Reform Services.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.