The Feline Advisory Bureau (FAB) has changed its name to International Cat Care in order to better reflect the work the charity does to help improve the lives of cats both in the UK and internationally.

Along with the name change, the charity has developed a completely new visual identity, which has been applied to its new website (

Claire Bessant, CEO of International Cat Care, said: "We continue to evolve as a charity and we are increasingly working internationally to help vets and local communities provide better care for cats. While our mission and core values will remain the same, we needed a strong brand identity to better reflect this work and to help us engage more directly with consumers and vets."

Underneath the International Cat Care umbrella, there are three core areas which are designed to help streamline the charity's work and make it easy for vets, professionals and consumers to engage in the right way. The three areas are:

  • Cat care ADVICE
    Essential guidance for owners and cat carers on how to keep cats happy, healthy and safe.
  • Cat care IN ACTION
    Practical solutions for improving the welfare of abandoned, neglected, stray and unowned cats.
  • Cat care FOR VETS
    Trusted worldwide resource on feline healthcare, provided through our veterinary division the International Society of Feline Medicine.

The charity's new website will continue to host information and advice on virtually every aspect of cat care, but also showcases the charity's work internationally. Most recently, the team has been in Sudan teaching vets about the safe handling and neutering of cats, with a special emphasis on street cats.

Claire Bessant continued: "We really wanted to achieve a clear and succinct explanation of who we are and what we do, and we think the new name and visual identity perfectly sums this up.  It's been such a rewarding process because the rebrand has been so positively received by our dedicated staff, members and supporters."

International Cat Care will be officially unveiled on the first day of this year's BSAVA Congress, where vets and the media will be invited to the stand to see the new identity for the first time, and for a glass of celebratory champagne.

To meet the team and find out more about the rebrand, visit stand 704 at the BSAVA Congress.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.