Liverpool based online CPD provider, The Webinar Vet reports that more than 350 veterinary surgeons from over 30 countries registered for its first virtual Veterinary Congress held earlier this month.

The one day congress consisted of six streams with top speakers from the UK, Australia and the USA covering radiology of the chest, cardiology, endocrinology, feline internal medicine, practice management and dermatology, totalling 18 hours of CPD.All six streams can still be accessed by delegates after the congress.

Anthony Chadwick MRCVS, founder of The Webinar Vet said: "Delegates were able to watch two streams on the day and then the other lectures at their leisure. And those who were unable to attend on the day, they can still register to access the congress.

"I was so pleased with the way the congress went. We had internationally renowned speakers being beamed into our homes without us having to go out in the cold wet weather to drive somewhere. Many of the early bird delegates also enjoyed the Fairtrade goodies we sent them in the post to enjoy during the coffee breaks."

Joe Hollins MA VetMB MRCVS, senior veterinary officer on the Island of St Helena has been based there since 2009, and believes that the Webinar Vet CPD has been a lifeline. He sent this message to the team: "Many congratulations to you and your team for putting together what must be deemed an historic event, the first ever virtual international veterinary congress. It's no mean feat. Your masterly control of proceedings, your cool, calm response to small technical glitches, the background coordination of proceedings by your staff; all this combined to create a useful, instructive, purposeful day.

"The fact that you manage to attract world class speakers says it all. My isolation in St Helena from 2009 initially presented me with major concerns regarding my CPD commitment, but The Webinar Vet has resolved any issues - and some. In fact my access to CPD has been greatly enhanced, and whether I was in the UK or not, I would encourage anyone involved in the profession to enrol."

Veterinary surgeons can buy recordings of the event at

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