Direct Line pet insurance had released the results of a survey in which 70% of dog owners claimed that not only did they get far more enjoyment buying gifts for their pets than their friends and family, but they also feel their pet understands when they're given a gift on a special occasion.

However, 17% of the 1,132 dog owners questioned revealed that their dogs always enjoy playing with the wrapping more than the gift, and 31% admitted that their pet sometimes chooses to play with the wrapping first.

Almost half (47%) are planning to make a special Christmas meal for their dogs. 63% are planning extra special treats over the festive period and 54% plan special family walks with their dog over Christmas.

According to the survey, 72% of Britain's dogs can expect a delivery from Santa left under the tree for them to spend the holidays enjoying.

Half of Britain's dogs will have an average of £15 (pounds sterling) spent on them this year with a lucky 3% having gifts worth more than £100 awaiting them.

If you're thinking it's worth doing a special display of Christmas gifts in the practice waiting room, you should know that the survey found toys were the most popular present, but pampering with warm winter coats and snuggly new beds were also high on the list of most desired presents.

K9 Magazine editor Ryan O'Meara said: "One of the great joys of giving a pet a Christmas gift is the absolute certainty that they will adore it. If the essence of gift giving is found in watching the reaction as the receiver's eyes light up and observing the sheer joy on their face, this is never more apparent than watching a dog open a £3.99 (pounds sterling) festive stocking filled with treats and toys. Dogs are the ultimate Christmas party animal. Happy to be the centre of attention, delighted to receive any gift - regardless of cost - and it is little wonder owners enjoy seeing their reactions on Christmas morning."

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.