The first issue of the online European Journal of Companion Animal Practitioners (EJCAP) has gone online.The first issue of the online European Journal of Companion Animal Practitioners (EJCAP) has gone online.

In the issue, which is available exclusively to members of the Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations (FECAVA), several top European experts on diagnostic imaging present their 'tips and tricks' on radiographic, arthroscopic and ultrasound examination of selected joints and abdominal organs. It also provides an insight into the newer tools of CT and MRI to show how these can help to diagnose some more elusive conditions.

In the issue, you can test your knowledge and watch 'how to' videos, interactive slideshows and dynamic CT scans.

Articles include:

  • Elbow dysplasia: arthroscopy vs. radiography (Henri van Bree)
  • Diagnostic imaging of the pancreas (Pete Mantis)
  • Radiology in pulmonary disease (John Graham)
  • Radiographic scoring of elbow dysplasia (Bernd Tellhelm)
  • Imaging of the urinary tract (Frances Barr)
  • Diagnostic imaging of the liver and biliary system (Federica Rossi)
  • MRI and CT in companion animal practice (Ingrid Gielen)

The issue also features book reviews, global and European updates and FECAVA news, with the new poster on the prevention of antibiotic resistance, and a video message from the Russian FECAVA Director Ilya Serada.

If you'd like to register for membership of the FECAVA, visit: and follow the instructions. Once registered and logged in, all EJCAP online and previous print volumes of EJCAP (available in pdf) can be accessed directly.

FECAVA is supported by MSD Animal Health, Hills Pet Nutrition and Elanco Animal Health.

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