Companion Care Vets has announced it will work in partnership with VetAbroad, an e-learning company that has been established to help vets who qualified outside the UK to develop a successful career within it.

Companion Care is the first veterinary group in the UK to enter into partnership with VetAbroad, with the aim that all new non-UK employees will complete the course.

According to the company, almost 30% of vets registered in the UK are from overseas and statistics show that one in three will leave the register in less than 24 months and 20% in less than 12 months. Statistics also highlight the likelihood of a non-UK vet to be struck off or suspended is six times higher than for a UK vet.

Jane Balmain, Managing Director of Companion Care Vets said: "Whilst we as a company offer as much support as possible to our team members from overseas and support their continued learning , we are delighted to be working in partnership with VetAbroad to utilise their training solutions and further enhance what we offer to team members who come from overseas. All new employees will be required to take the course and we will also be encouraging our current overseas vets to complete it."

The e-course covers social and professional adaptation, compliance with current legislation, teamwork, productivity, client care and communication skills and VetAbroad states that those taking the course will substantially increase their chances of retaining and obtaining a job in the UK.

Vet and founder of VetAbroad Luis Sainz-Pardos said: "The primary aim of our course is to help vets who have qualified overseas to swiftly integrate into the UK system. Vets who have taken the course will be aware of UK legislation and should be able to interact with colleagues, clients and patients to a UK standard. As a result, the problems often associated with employing non-UK vets to work in UK practices are greatly reduced. I am thrilled to be working in partnership with Companion Care Vets, a company that I believe is thriving due to its investment in its most important asset - people."

For further information about VetAbroad please visit


PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.