The Kennel Club Genetics Centre at the AHT has identified a genetic mutation which causes a severe progressive disease in Parson Russell Terriers (PRTs).

Late onset ataxia (LOA) affects coordination and balance, making everyday movement and tasks increasingly difficult. The new DNA test can accurately predict the risk of developing the disease in 97-100 per cent of PRTs and will effectively reduce the number of LOA cases in the breed.

Dogs usually develop the disease between six months and one year of age but because there is no cure, sufferers are usually euthanised around two years after onset as their quality of life diminishes.

After testing DNA of over 200 PRTs in total, the AHT's scientists were able to isolate the genetic mutation which causes the disease and establish that LOA is an inherited recessive trait; therefore dogs must have two defective copies of the genetic mutation, one from each parent, to be affected.

The test results will inform dog owners if their dog is clear from, a carrier of, or affected by LOA.

Cathryn Mellersh, Head of Canine Genetics, at the AHT said: "This is great news for PRT breeders as we believe LOA is an emerging condition in the breed and through this test we should be able to cut the disorder 'off at the pass', before the mutation becomes any more widespread.

"Interestingly, our research also suggests that there may be other causes of ataxia in the breed. It is important for breeders to understand that a clear result using the LOA DNA test will not exclude the formal possibility that dogs could still develop a genetically different form of ataxia."

Caroline Kisko, Kennel Club Secretary, said: "LOA is a relatively new but devastating condition and we are delighted that we've been able to work with the Animal Health Trust to develop a DNA test that will give breeders the opportunity to significantly reduce this disease. We will keep working together to develop tools and information for breeders, so that they are able to select dogs that will have healthy puppies."

The DNA test for LOA is available from the AHT at the price of £48. Full details are available at

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