Bayer Animal Health has produced a 'take home' prescription guide to encourage pet owners to remain compliant with its antimicrobial, Veraflox (pradofloxacin). Bayer Animal Health has produced a take home prescription guide to encourage pet owners to remain compliant with its antimicrobial, Veraflox (pradofloxacin).

The leaflet contains prescription details together with a treatment record and next appointment reminder. Group Product Manager Tracey Dawson said: "There is also a FAQ (frequently asked questions) section explaining why compliance is so important."

Bayer says the leaflet has been developed to help vets and VNs ensure pet owners are encouraged to be responsible with prescribed medicines. Tracey added: "The guide is designed to reinforce the information given by the prescribing vet, and answer further questions owners might have on arrival home or during the treatment."

Bayer highlights that Veraflox's mode of action helps reduce the potential for the development of resistant bacteria¹, but only if it is used correctly. Tracey said: "Although it might seem to be easy for pet owners to adhere to the advice given with prescribed medicines, especially with the more palatable options now available, it is very important that we help preserve the efficacy of the fluoroquinolone class by continuing to encourage strict client compliance through correct dosing, and finishing the course of antibiotics prescribed."

For further information, contact your Bayer Territory Manager or call Bayer Animal Health on 01635 563000.


  1. Wetzstein HG. Comparative Mutant Prevention Concentrations of Pradofloxacin and Other Veterinary Fluoroquinolones Indicate Differing Potentials in Preventing Selection of Resistance.  Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2005;49(10): 4166-4173


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