The BSAVA reports that its Certificates in Medicine and Surgery have sold out in less than 5 minutes, beating the previous record of 20 minutes in their first year.

The Association says that whilst this is testament to the success and demand for its CPD, it is determined to find a way to avoid disappointing so many aspiring students - and after emergency talks over the weekend has decided to run a second intake of 30 students for each of the two programmes from January.

Dr Frances Barr, BSAVA's Academic Director, said: "Whilst we had only envisioned taking 30 new students onto each course this year, it quickly became clear that there is such a great appetite for this kind of accredited CPD in the profession right now. What a shame it would have been not to find a way to allow those ambitions to be fulfilled. So we are effectively going to run each programme twice in one year."

Quality control and sufficient student support is being met thanks to an overwhelming response from our teaching faculty and mentors. Dr Barr added: "BSAVA owes thanks to all those who lecture and work alongside our Certificate students. Without them we would not have been able to respond so quickly to this unprecedented demand".

The second programme will take place at two sites; BSAVA HQ in Gloucester, and the College of Animal Welfare in Huntingdon. Anyone who has not been able to take a place in the 2013 cohort will be offered priority registration for the 2014 in-take. For more information about BSAVA Certificates visit or email


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