Ruth Dennis, Head of Diagnostic Imaging, was awarded the European Association of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging (EAVDI) Douglas and Williamson AwardTwo veterinary surgeons from the Animal Health Trust have won international awards for outstanding work in diagnostic imaging at 16th International Veterinary Radiology Association (IVRA) meeting held in Bursa Turkey.

Dr Sue Dyson, Head of Clinical Orthopaedics at the AHT, was awarded the IVRA J Kevin Kealy Award, which recognises members of the IVRA who have made substantial, scientific contributions to veterinary radiology.

The Award, established in 2003, is named in honour of Emeritus Professor J. Kevin Kealy, organiser of the first meeting of the IVRA, the first President, and an Honorary Member of the Association.

Sue has lectured internationally and published more than 200 refereed papers in scientific journals, as well as being a major author and editor of four books. On receiving the award, she said: "I was hugely surprised to receive this award and feel extremely honoured."

Past president of the IVRA, Peter Lord, said: "It is hard to imagine that equine diagnostic imaging today would be the same without the contributions of Sue Dyson and her colleagues. She is an outstanding recipient of the J Kevin Kealy Award."

Ruth Dennis, Head of Diagnostic Imaging (pictured above right), was awarded the European Association of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging (EAVDI) Douglas and Williamson Award, established in 1983, to recognise outstanding achievement within the field of veterinary diagnostic imaging.

Ruth was President of the EAVDI between 2000 and 2002 and her long standing contributions to the association have been recognised with this award.

Ruth said: "I am very honoured to receive this award, especially since, as a vet student in Cambridge in the late 1970s, I was taught by Sidney Douglas and David Williamson, who were pioneers of veterinary radiology."

Nuria Corzo-Menendez, current EAVDI President, said: "Ruth's contributions to veterinary diagnostic imaging are vast and we will always be grateful for such great additions to our field."

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