Closamectin from NorbrookNorbrook Laboratories has launched Closamectin, a parasiticide which the company says will revolutionise cattle farming and parasite control in meat producing animals.

Closamectin Pour-on is a solution which can quite literally be poured onto the back of animals. It simultaneously treats fluke, worms and external parasites. The new product is the culmination of a six year research project costing £3.5 million and involving 80 scientists at the company's headquarters in Newry Co Down.

Norbrook says it will bring immense benefits for farmers whose cattle are often ravaged by parasitic attack. Fluke in particular can have devastating effects both on beef and dairy herds, seriously weakening, and in some cases killing the animals by destroying their livers. At the very least it collectively costs farmers around £17 million per annum by reducing the weight of beef cattle and the milk yields of dairy cows.

Fluke used to be confined to the western parts of Britain, together with Scotland and Ireland, but global warming has seen other parts of the UK experiencing the same mild and wet conditions on which the parasite thrives. Consequently it is on the rise.

Currently fluke is treated by injection or oral drench - both time-consuming and difficult processes for the farmers which can also be stressful for the animals. In contrast pour-on solutions can be applied swiftly and easily with no detrimental impact on cattle.

Norbrook has been awarded licenses for Closamectin Pour-on in both the UK and Ireland. This is a very significant market: the countries have a combined cattle population of 17 million. There are also plans to roll out the product in other countries.

Developing a pour-on to deal with these parasites has baffled scientists for 20 years. Alistair Couper, Norbrook's Chief Vet said: "This is the Holy Grail of farm animal veterinary medicine. It was a highly complex challenge for our research team. They had to develop a product which would treat different conditions simultaneously and have a molecular structure which could be absorbed straight through the skin. This is a ground breaking achievement and a brilliant piece of science"

Lord Ballyedmond, Chairman of Norbrook Laboratories said: "This is a very important milestone for Norbrook and for livestock and farmers worldwide. We have invested heavily in research and development and the results are there for all to see. We are delighted to have beaten other multinationals.  We have now developed the world's most effective remedy for parasite control in cattle that our entering the food chain. I am pleased to state that our business has grown this year indigenously at 12% despite the recession, beating our competitors. This tremendous breakthrough is a great testimony to the brilliance of our scientists in Newry and also to our policy of investing in research. "

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