The Kennel Club has written to veterinary surgeries in the UK to remind them to report caesarians and operations carried out on Kennel Club registered dogs, to help monitor and improve pedigree health.

The letter reminds vets that any operations which alter the natural conformation of a Kennel Club registered dog should be reported, as owners will need to apply for permission to compete with that dog at Kennel Club licensed shows. Vets are also asked to report caesarians as the Kennel Club will not register a litter from a bitch that has had two subsequent caesarians.

The Kennel Club says that information submitted by vets will ultimately help to improve the health of pedigree dogs as it 'provides information regarding breeding lines which may pass on certain defects and helps to deter breeders from breeding from animals with hereditary problems.'

The letter informs vets that breeders sign a declaration when registering their litter with the Kennel Club, which means that the vet will never be breaching confidentiality when reporting such operations. The declaration says: "I/we confirm and agree that any veterinary surgery performing a caesarian section and/or operation on any of my/our dogs in such a way that the operation alters the natural conformation of the dog or any part thereof may submit a report to the Kennel Club."

The declaration, regarding the reporting of operations which change natural conformation, was made a condition of Kennel Club registration in 1990 and caesarians were added to the declaration in 2010.

Caroline Kisko, Kennel Club Secretary, said: "The veterinary profession and the Kennel Club both hold valuable information about pedigree dogs but by sharing this information we will get a much more accurate picture about dog health.

Although some vets report operations to the Kennel Club this is not a uniform practice, but we hope this reminder will help to ensure that we work more closely together in the future."

Vets have been sent a copy of the reporting form that they should use and the link to where the forms can be downloaded from the Kennel Club website The BVA has also produced a list of frequently asked questions about veterinary reporting at

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.