Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica has released data which shows that one third of laminitic middle aged horses (between the ages of 10 and 15 years) test positive for PPID (Cushing's)1.Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica has released data which shows that one third of laminitic middle aged horses (between the ages of 10 and 15 years) test positive for PPID (Cushing's)1.

Over 3,100 horses were tested for Cushings as part of the company's 'Talk about Laminitis' campaign during the spring.

Liz Barrett, equine sales and marketing manager at Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica said: "Although the common perception is that PPID is a disease of only older horses and ponies, the ageing process is progressive and this data from over 330 participating veterinary practices1 indicates that horses and ponies in the 10 to 15 age bracket are also frequently affected."

The company is urging veterinary surgeons to test laminitic or foot-sore horses for PPID this autumn, as this is when there is a greater difference between horses with PPID and those free of the disease2, 3. In support of this, Boehringer will be re-launching its disease awareness initiative 'Talk About Laminitis', with free ACTH blood tests* during September, October and November. To participate in the scheme, veterinary surgeons can download free ACTH blood test vouchers from

Dr Catherine McGowan BVSc DipVetClinStud MACVSc PhD DEIM DipECEIM FHEA MRCVS from the University of Liverpool, said: "It is very important to test horses for PPID the first time they present with laminitis because what we want to avoid is recurrence of that laminitis. If it does reoccur, the damage will be worse and the chances of that horse having a successful long-term recovery will be diminished."

For further information on 'Talk About Laminitis', PPID or Prascend, visit, contact your Boehringer territory manager or call 01344 746959.


  1. Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica. Resting ACTH results of 724 horses aged 10 to 15 years.
  2. McGowan, T.W., Pinchbeck, G.L. and McGowan, C.M. (2012) Evaluation of basal plasma a-melanocyte-stimulating hormone and adrenocorticotrophic hormone concentrations for the diagnosis of pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction from a population of aged horses. Equine Veterinary Journal. DOI: 0.1111/j.2042-3306.2012.00575.x
  3. Copas, V.E.N. and Durham, A.E. (2011) Circannual variation in plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone concentrations in the UK in normal horses and ponies, and those with pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction. Equine Veterinary Journal 44, 440-443.

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