Bayer Animal Health has launched 'It's a Jungle Out There', an educational initiative aimed at simplifying parasite control for veterinary practices and pet owners alike.Bayer Animal Health (makers of Advocate, Advantix, Advantage, Seresto, Profender, Drontal and Droncit) has launched 'It's a Jungle Out There', an educational initiative aimed at simplifying parasite control for veterinary practices and pet owners alike.

The impressive-looking initiative comes on the back of research carried out by the company which found:

  • 73% of veterinary surgeons believe the vast array of different products and formulations currently available for the treatment of parasites can be very confusing and 35% think there are missed opportunities to increase owner compliance1.
  • 45% of dog and cat owners are not confident that their pet is protected from parasites2.
  • 83% of pet owners do not realise that a combination of products may be needed to obtain the required level of protection.
  • 25% would welcome their vet practice discussing parasite protection options with them at their next visit.

Dan White, Group Product Manager for Bayer's Animal Health division said: "Our research concluded that many vet practices are missing an opportunity because of a lack of clarity regarding best practice for parasite control. With ongoing support and practical development tools, Bayer's 'It's a Jungle Out There' Programme is an educational initiative which will arm vet practices with the tools they need to make parasite control clearer and more accessible to owners, helping to ensure the UK is a nation of healthy parasite-free pets and happy owners."

Bayer says the first stage of the 'It's a Jungle Out There' initiative aims to help the veterinary community identify opportunities where they can help to improve pet owner compliance. Vet practices will then be supported in developing a parasite protocol which will then be launched to consumers via a heavyweight advertising and PR campaign.

The initiative comprises a new educational website:, which includes practice development workbooks, market research and trends, extensive technical information on a wide variety of parasites and CPD assessments. Additional downloadable content includes a range of materials such as images, videos, downloads and web buttons.

From the end of August, practice support materials will be available including a waiting room display pack, parasite guide and dispenser, vet nurse reference guide, waiting room posters, lifestyle questionnaire, badges and static window stickers.

The pet owner focus will begin in September and will include an interactive website, advertising and an extensive print and broadcast PR campaign with celebrity ambassadors David Bellamy and TV vet Steve Leonard. This activity is aimed at driving owners towards their vet practice for advice on parasite risks.


  1. Research conducted by Bayer Animal Health - survey of 150 UK vets, May 2012
  2. Research commissioned by OnePoll - survey of 2,000 British cat and dog owners, May 2012

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