Trinity Vet Centre has launched an Android version of its iPhone / iPad app: Veterinary Care of Exotic Pets.

Designed for veterinary surgeons, veterinary students and veterinary nurses, the app gives the viewer an interactive experience in the care of exotic animals and includes videos of blood sampling, images of sex determination and images of common conditions including avian radiographic interpretation.

The app also contains formularies for all the commonly encountered exotic species, lists of commonly seen conditions (and their treatment) and biological data all at the touch of the screen. In addition the latest update for the iPhone / iPad features new sections on birds of prey and poultry which will also be available on the android version.

The app's developer, zoological medicine certificate holder Mark Rowland said: "This app is here to help vets offer the same high level of service offered to dog and cat clients to exotic animals which are becoming even more common. Data such as gestation periods and drug doses for exotics can easily be accessed. The videos are there to show in more detail how to blood sample exotics from Guinea Pigs to Tortoises"

The app is available from your iPhone or Android App store, priced at £7.99

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.