The RCVS has removed 563 veterinary surgeons from the Register from 1 June for non-payment of retention fees.

A list of those who remained off the Register as of 31 July 2012 is available here:

The College says it is publicising the list to help make sure that those who have been removed, and their employers, are aware; it includes only those not restored prior to 31 July.

Christine Fraser, RCVS Head of Registration said: “If you know anyone who appears on this list and who is still working in the UK, you may wish to advise them they need to contact the RCVS as a matter of urgency to restore their name to the Register."

The RCVS is asking veterinary surgeons who have not yet confirmed their registration details, which is now part of the annual renewal process, to please make sure this is done by 30 September. A form was enclosed with the annual fee-reminder, or this can be done online at

Information about how veterinary surgeons removed after non-payment can restore themselves to the Register is available at, or by contacting the RCVS Registration Department (  or 0207 202 0707).

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