The Information Commissioner has supported the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons' decision not to publish the Overspend Review Group's report (aka the McKelvey Report) in full.

The verdict follows two challenges to the College's decision, one made by the British Veterinary Association and a second by a member of the College.

The College says its original decision not to publish the report in full was based on two sets of external legal advice that to do so would be unlawful under the provisions of the Data Protection Act. However, the College did publish the recommendations from the report (otherwise known as the McKelvey Report), which it says comprise more than half of the total.

The Overspend Review Group was tasked with considering all aspects that relate to the College's budgeting and expenditure processes and to propose lessons that should be learned. It was set up following overspends in two areas: the installation of a new data management system and building development work at the College's premises in London.  

RCVS President Jacqui Molyneux said: "This verdict is welcome in that it supports our original decision. But I can appreciate that it may frustrate those members unhappy that they will not see the full report.

"When it was commissioned, it was intended that the report would be published in full; in the event, the document included information that would contravene the Data Protection Act if published. However, I would like to reassure members that the substance of the report was included in the published recommendations, and these have now, in the main, been acted upon."

Questions and answers about the Report, together with the recommendations, can be found here.

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