today launched a new initiative to increase membership of the online community, as part of which 5 vets could win cash prizes worth a total of £2000.

A new 'Invited by' box has been added to the registration form which new members have to complete when they join VetSurgeon. New members are now asked to complete this box with the e-mail address of the vet that invited them to join the community.

In six weeks time, £1000 will be given to the vet who invited the largest number of colleages over the period. Prizes of £400, £300, £200 and £100 will be given to four runners up respectively.

There is one caveat. For the prize fund to be released, membership of must have reached a grand total of 5000 by the closing date.

I really hope that EVERYONE will chip in and invite a fellow vet, because even if you don't think you know enough vets to win the main prize, inviting just one will help make sure that a vet somewhere is going to be given £1000!

There are other reasons for supporting this initiative.

Most importantly, the more members in the community, the more vibrant, interesting, and valuable it becomes for you, its members. On top of that, once we have 5000 members, we'll be able to start investing in further development of the site to make it an increasingly invaluable tool. 

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.