Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica has launched a new Canikur Pro website - - to provide pet owners with advice on digestive upset and offer a quick reference guide to using Canikur Pro.Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica has launched a new Canikur Pro website - - to provide pet owners with advice on digestive upset and offer a quick reference guide to using Canikur Pro.Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica has launched a new Canikur Pro website - - to provide pet owners with advice on digestive upset and offer a quick reference guide to using Canikur Pro.

The site offers information about the common causes of digestive upset, including dietary indiscretions, stress due to a change in circumstances and underlying gut problems.

The site also contains information about how Canikur Pro works, how to give the product and where to buy it, plus tips for supporting the recovery of a dog's gut health such as providing a constant supply of fresh water, offering a bland diet and providing access to outside areas to reduce accidents.

In addition, the site contains a 'veterinary only' area where veterinary professionals can download client materials.

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