The Badger Trust's legal challenge to Defra's plans for targeted badger cull pilots has failed in the High Court on all three grounds.

Whilst the RSPCA has expressed its disappointment, the British Veterinary Association and British Cattle Veterinary Association have welcomed the judgement.

BVA President Carl Padgett said: "We are pleased that the High Court has ruled Defra's policy lawful and that the pilot badger culls can now go ahead.

"The BVA and BCVA believe that the government's approach has been robust and justifiable as it is based on our current scientific knowledge.

"Bovine TB is a devastating disease and we must tackle the disease in wildlife alongside cattle controls if we are to get on top of it."

David Bowles, the RSPCA's Director of Communications, said: "We are bitterly disappointed that the UK Government in England is ploughing on with plans to kill badgers but the fight is not over yet.

"We believe culling is not a long-term, sustainable solution and will be of little help in reducing the disease - perhaps even making things worse in some areas. It will wipe out huge numbers of this much-loved species, virtually eliminating badgers from these areas, including many animals which are healthy.

"It is not as if there aren't alternatives to a cull. Vaccination could be a more effective and sustainable way of dealing with the disease, and one which does not involve killing most of the badger population in very large areas of the countryside."

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