The RCVS Charitable Trust is seeking two creative and energetic UK-based veterinary students to attend the British Science Festival in Aberdeen from 4-9 September 2012.

The Trust says that the students will be required to use their observations and experiences to help it develop future outreach activities to inform and inspire public audiences about aspects of veterinary clinical practice and research, and will have all their expenses paid by the Trust.

Entrants need to write to the RCVS Charitable Trust to say how they would go about meeting this challenge, ideally giving examples that demonstrate their proven innovative abilities. The deadline for entries is 9 July, after which the entries will be considered by a competition panel who will decide the winners. Entrants must be able to commit to attending the entire festival and to deliver a feedback presentation to the competition panel on 31 October. Entrants should also be willing and able to compile a video diary or blog to feedback their experiences.

Further information and details about how to enter are available at The successful applicants will be announced at the end of July.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.