Woodley Veterinary Equipment has launched a range of eight veterinary stains. Woodley Veterinary Equipment has launched a range of eight veterinary stains.

The company says that the range offers a comprehensive product base to suit most requirements, and that they are all quick and easy to use.

The range is made up of the following individual stains for single test use:

  • Veti-Neat Stain Gram
  • Veti-Neat Stain Hemo
  • Reticulocyte
  • Sedimentation
  • Fungi
  • Semen
  • Faecal
  • Parasitology

Also available is the Automated Slide Stainer, which Woodley says is capable of precise, balanced slide stains for use with Haematology and Gram staining. Maintenance free and self-cleaning the Automated Slide Stainer is also programmable for individual preferences.

For more information, email: sales@woodleyequipment.com or call Woodley's customer service team on +44 (0) 1204 669033 Option 1. Alternatively visit www.woodleyequipment.com

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