The London Fire Brigade has donated a life-size horse model to the Royal Veterinary College, to be used for student training.The London Fire Brigade has donated a life-size horse model to the Royal Veterinary College, to be used for student training.

The donation is in recognition of 11 years large animal handling training that the RVC has given firefighters from the London Fire Brigade. 

The model horse has been named "Fireman Sam" by the students. Fireman Sam was officially presented to Vivienne Heys, the member of staff who organised and participated in the training throughout the entire 11 years, and to student trainers Vikki Wyse and Emma Howson, by London Fire Brigade Group Manager Andy Cane, Station Manager Mark Spier and Watch Manager Jim Wennell .

Andy Cane said how valuable the training has been for the London firefighters and how much the crews have enjoyed their visits to the Royal Veterinary College.  

Vivienne emphasised that this programme would not have been possible without the students who have given their time on Wednesday afternoons to help firefighters learn the skills required when working with horses and cattle, and she also praised the staff who have volunteered their time and skills to keep this programme running for 11 years.

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