MSD Animal Health has launched FlockCheck 2012, its complimentary sheep diagnostic service that identifies whether enzootic abortion or toxoplasmosis is present in a client's flock.

FlockCheck 2012 requires vets to take blood samples from 6-8 aborting ewes. MSD says that at a time when many farmers are asking for veterinary diagnostic support to confirm or rule out potential Schmallenberg virus infection, it makes sense to investigate whether other diseases are present in the flock at the same time.

MSD Animal Health ruminant veterinary adviser Drew McGurren MRCVS said: "Based on the previous two years' FlockCheck data (2011 and 2010), on average over 86% of submitted samples tested positive for toxoplasmosis and more than 62% were positive for enzootic abortion. Around 43% of samples showed exposure to both diseases.

"With lamb prices still remaining buoyant it has never been more important to ensure farmers minimise lamb losses. The 2012 FlockCheck service allows vets to identify whether toxoplasmosis or enzootic abortion is the cause of any aborted lamb losses and provides a starting point for discussions around the value of vaccination programmes with Enzovax and Toxovax."      

Vets are asked to submit unit blood samples with the new 2012 FlockCheck forms.

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