The RCVS and BVA have expressed their concern about a BBC Newsline report last week of suspected badger baiting in Northern Ireland, which also alleged that veterinary surgeons might be complicit in this illegal activity by not reporting cases of suspiciously injured animals to the relevant authorities.

Bert Allison MRCVS, President of the North of Ireland Veterinary Association, said: "Our Association, and veterinary surgeons across Northern Ireland and Great Britain, are sickened and appalled by these activities. We are grateful to the BBC for highlighting the problem and bringing it to the attention of the public. 

"Veterinary surgeons work under a professional code of conduct to uphold animal health and welfare and care deeply about the animals under their care. The claim by USPCA that veterinary surgeons are deliberately failing to report incidents is therefore shocking. 

"However, if there is evidence that this has happened the USPCA must provide all relevant information to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons which is the statutory regulator of the veterinary profession.

"Under our professional code all veterinary surgeons must provide treatment to alleviate the suffering of an animal presented to them however the gangs abusing these animals may be obtaining veterinary care by deception. We are contacting our members urgently to offer support and remind them how to report suspected incidents safely and within the law."

The RCVS says it has yet to be presented with any evidence to support the claims, but will investigate any genuine complaint supported by first-hand evidence.

The College is also reminding veterinary surgeons about its guidance concerning breaching client confidentiality where a veterinary surgeon believes that animal welfare or the public interest may be compromised.

If there is suspicion of animal abuse, as a result of examining an animal, a veterinary surgeon should consider whether the circumstances are sufficiently serious to justify breaching the usual obligations of client confidentiality.

In cases where discussing these concerns with the client would not be appropriate, or where the client's reaction increases rather than allays these concerns, the veterinary surgeon should contact the relevant authorities, for example the RSPCA, SSPCA or USPCA, to report alleged cruelty to an animal.

Such action should only be taken when the veterinary surgeon considers on reasonable grounds that the public interest in protecting an animal overrides the professional obligation to maintain client confidentiality.

A veterinary surgeon may contact the RCVS for advice before any confidential information is divulged (020 7202 0789 /

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