Stuart Jackson, from Carterton, Oxfordshire, and Austin Kirwan  from Ormskirk, Lancashire are the first candidates to achieve the RCVS postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice (CertAVP), since the change-over to a modular award system in November 2008.

Both vets were assessed for the award through Middlesex University, and will receive designated Certificates in Veterinary General Practice - CertAVP (Vet GP).

There are currently 400 veterinary surgeons signed up for Certificate modules and - as long as they maintain an annual enrolment with the RCVS - these candidates have up to ten years to complete the full qualification. Vets can pursue a broad-based general CertAVP, or by selecting specific modules and taking an overall assessment, gain a more focused, designated CertAVP.  With either option, all the modules the vet passes are listed on the Certificate.  Individual module assessments can also be taken and used to fulfil continuous professional development requirements.  

Freda Andrews, Head of Education said: "We congratulate both of these veterinary surgeons on their success and hope that this marks the start of further modular postgraduate qualifications being awarded. The Certificate structure allows enrolled veterinary surgeons to take up to ten years to complete the qualification. To complete the assessments within two years, as these vets have done, is very challenging."

Stuart Jackson, Principal of the Jackson Veterinary Clinic in Oxfordshire, said: "I am proud to be one of the first to complete the new Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice.  I initially decided to undertake the new course because it is the first, and long overdue, postgraduate qualification that specifically recognises general practice as an important part of our profession.   Although some of the content is unfamiliar to some, the structure as a whole is well designed and provides a refreshing analysis of the everyday routine of being in practice.  It has provided an increased understanding of both clients and staff and has resulted in a better and happier place to work." 

More information about the CertAVP can be found at:

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