Aubrey Kumm MRCVS, a Joint Partner at Companion Care in Harlow, has become one of the first vets based in the UK to be accredited by the ESVPS with the GPCert(Endo) member Aubrey Kumm MRCVS, a Joint Partner at Companion Care in Harlow, has become one of the first vets based in the UK to gain the GPCert(Endo) from the ESVPS. He joins a group of just 11 vets who currently hold this certificate in Europe.

Aubrey said: "Although there are over 50 veterinary surgeries offering specialist endoscopic surgery in the UK I wanted to ensure I was as well versed as possible in the latest developments of this method of surgery and the ESVPS certificate offered a comprehensive course, the benefits of which I am now able to pass on to clients."

Aubrey's qualification involved a year of study and several examinable components including case studies and a written exam.

The practice has invested around £60,000 in a Force Triad and two laprascopic cameras, along with various operating scopes, a broncoscope,and other associated equipment.

Aubrey added: "As a practice we are now able to offer less invasive surgery to our clients and their pets and we no longer have to ask clients to travel to distant referral centres."

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