Merial Animal Health, manufacturer of Previcox, has launched a new campaign in small animal practices across the UK to continue to spread the message of 'total joint health'Merial Animal Health, manufacturer of Previcox, has launched a new campaign in small animal practices across the UK to continue to spread the message of 'total joint health'.

As part of the campaign, Merial has produced 'The A-Z of Canine Mobility' - a series of short articles and bite-sized information which can be disseminated to clients, helping to educate dog owners about canine osteoarthritis and the treatment options available.

Previcox Brand Manager Kathryn England said: "We are providing regularly updated articles and information to interested practices in a form that is easily pasted into a newsletter, eshot or fixed to a waiting room wall so that they can communicate with their clients quickly and easily. It's essentially free information to encourage owners to bring their dogs in for a joint check up."

Merial says the message about the importance of joint health and osteoarthritis is not well understood by pet owners, as demonstrated by a recent survey1 which found that only 53% of the owners of old dogs considered reduced willingness to exercise as serious enough to require veterinary attention.  

Merial's Technical Manager, Kevin Whelan said: "The results highlight the fact that owners of older pets, even those who would be considered as responsible pet owners, do not consider signs such as unwillingness to exercise or hind leg stiffness to be particularly important. It's therefore important to educate and engage pet owners on this topic to encourage them to seek advice from their vet"

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1. (Davies, 2011)

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