Diverse Undertakings Ltd. has announced that it is extending its services to include support for veterinary practices in securing their RCVS Practice Standards Scheme (PSS) accreditation.

The company was originally formed to provide business advisory services to small and medium sized enterprises across a range of industry sectors. Its services range from general H.R. advice, health & safety guidance and facilities management to candidate sourcing and call-centre services.

However, with previous experience supporting a substantial veterinary practice in Kent for both employment challenges and PSS accreditation, Company Director Neal Palk decided to extend the company's capability to support other veterinary practices in securing their PSS accreditation.

He says that because the needs of each practice vary, Diverse can adapt its service to reflect both the individual circumstances relating to accreditation as well as the capability/capacity with the practice to undertake necessary tasks itself. By using a network of associates, he says Diverse can call upon other specialities (for example - competitively priced office/building equipment) to smooth the progress to accreditation.

Diverse says it offers a range of transparent pricing options to suit the client which, without the overheads of large consultancies, often result in PSS accreditation being achieved for less cost than a typical administrative temp for a month. Monthly retention fee alternatives for other services are available, beginning at £95+ VAT.

Neal said: "Several organisations offer professional services to the veterinary practice sector, but few can claim to have 'been there, done that' and really understand the climate and culture the sector operates within. Diverse Undertakings Ltd. values its experience in the sector and aims to work with other practices to achieve both accreditation and wider business success."

For more details please contact Neal on 07771 843719, e-mail: info@diverseundertakings.com, or visit: http://www/diverseundertakings.com

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.