The Heart Health Panel - a group of expert veterinary surgeons, cardiologists and nutritionists set up by Boehringher Ingelheim - has launched a set of guidelines on the management of canine cardiac health through nutrition and lifestyle changes.The Heart Health Panel - a group of expert veterinary surgeons, cardiologists and nutritionists set up by Boehringher Ingelheim Vetmedica - has launched a set of guidelines on the management of canine cardiac health through nutrition and lifestyle changes.

Entitled Supporting canine heart health through nutrition and lifestyle, Boehringher says the guidelines provide veterinary professionals with information on canine heart health, including the progression of heart disease through four main stages.  These are: the green phase - no clinical signs and no pathology; the yellow phase - no clinical signs of heart failure but evidence of disease at clinical exam; the orange phase - occasional clinical signs when exercising and the red phase - clinical signs at rest.

The panel has developed a diagnostic checklist to determine whether a patient has heart disease and which phase they are in to help initiate a good diet and healthy lifestyle early enough to support heart health.  While a dog's individual needs should be taken into account when advising on dietary management and lifestyle, the panel's recommendations include a balanced, complete diet, dietary supplements, such as omega-3, and an appropriate exercise regime.

The Heart Health Panel's guidelines are now available as a booklet and are supported with a leaflet for dog owners entitled Support your dog's heart.  The leaflet features information on canine heart health including risk factors, dietary advice, clinical signs of disease, diagnosis and the creation of a heart health management plan. Both the owner leaflet and the panel guidelines are available from Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, and copies can be ordered from your local territory manager or by emailing

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