The BSAVA has announced a partnership with the University of Liverpool to develop a national UK disease surveillance network for companion animals.

Originally established in 2008, the Small Animal Veterinary Surveillance Network, SAVSNET, aimed to monitor the disease status of the UK small animal population (mainly dog, cat and rabbit). However, funding for the project came to an end in August 2011. At this point, BSAVA stepped in with support, as it believed that not only would the profession benefit from this source of information, but that it is in fact vital for the successful management of disease in small animals.

BSAVA President Andrew Ash said: "SAVSNET ticks all the boxes for BSAVA. High quality large scale epidemiological research helps us fulfil our obligations as a charity to public good, the information on disease surveillance gives us the information to treat animals better, and the research papers help us inform veterinary policy and education. This is an important scheme for both animal and human health."

Participation by diagnostic labs and practices is voluntary, and all data gained will be made anonymous before being reported.  For more information, email

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